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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Got a Real World Weapons or Armour Question? Mk XI

    Christopher Duffy's "The Military Experience in the Age of Reason" is probably the best single accessible source on military conduct in the age of horse and musket. Best of all (for those who only speak English like me) he backs up his arguments with plentiful translations from rare (or rarely translated) first hand accounts.

    Paddy Griffith also has a good, if slightly old, chapter on low level tactical combat in the Napoleonic Wars (focused around Wellington's armies) in his book "Forward Into Battle".

    I've got a quick question for 16th century specialists. Did the crusading Military Orders in the Mediterranean, like the Knights of St John or the Order of Santo Stefano, have a particular training regime or facilities? Obviously, as they were largely comprised of aristocrats, they'd have been well trained but how did they keep that training up? I've read a few accounts of the "average day" for a knight in the Military Orders but these are invariably focused around the 11th-13th centuries. Does anyone know a good source for day to day life in these orders after the fall of the Holy Land?
    Last edited by xeo; 2012-12-04 at 12:31 PM.