Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Gwyn was a bit surprised by his..'rebellious' slightly 'heated'? response, something. She blinked several times trying to assess the situation.

"Uh well...I know you can get the basket, I was just making sure you didn't have any booboos and what not."

"Anyways, let us just go to the register and pay for the items. I really need a bath."
More like mildly annoyed response, but struggling due to nuzzles.

Garion nodded and followed along, his marshmellow-coated hooves squelching on the floor tiles. "I think I'm clean enough that I don't need a bath." Not technically a fib, they just had very different definitions of "clean enough". He'd carry that basket all the way to the front, despite the fact it was only a little smaller than he was. But he was a big colt, and he could do it.