Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Four bits for all this junk and bag of candy, not bad, if it weren't for the booby traps, Gwyn might have liked this store. Anyways, she forked over four Bits. There may have been an impromptu shower, but she was stubborn in her want of taking a bubble bath at Grills.

After her things were placed in a paper bag, she turned to Garion. "Come, let's go back to Mister Grills...we're going to take a back route."
Naturally, Garion insisted on carrying the bag in his mouth.

"A...back route?" He glanced back, examining the detritus of the booby-trapped store still stuck to him. "I don't think I have any plants growing on me. I don't know how many roots I can get...are they on your back?" His hooves squished against her side as he reared up to check her back for roots.