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Thread: WotW: Call Forth Darkness IC

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: WotW: Call Forth Darkness IC

    Kin stands, watching events unfold around him, in something of a daze. He sees his spell rip apart Van, the shock that he'd unintentionally hurt... not quite a friend, not quite a colleague, but an ally. His tongue fails to make his usual glib comment, and his father's voice speaks to him, welcoming him home, telling him like father like son and he will not - no, he cannot admit that maybe the voice is right. I can trust them, Father, they can trust me! he screams mentally, directing the sound inwardly. On the outside, he watches as Hal stares in horror at the body of the woman that Kin has murdered, and the voice inside his head begins to mock him once again.

    He is silent and still while Harkon escapes, fearful that if he moves his allies might suddenly realise what he has done and turn on him, their voices rising in anger, in bright red calls for justice. Finally, as the contracts are signed and the devil disappears, he manages to force out a few words, although they sound weak and hollow.

    "Well, that was interesting."

    A bit of backstory explanation for those who don't know it - it hasn't really come up before:
    For those who can't remember, Kin was basically a magical experiment to his father, his mother never appearing on the scene. Alongside other prisoners he was tortured, analyzed, abused, prodded etc. etc. which is the cause of his scars and the source of his magical tattoos, as well as explaining the fact that technically he's now part-orc, as a matter of fact. Essentially, he escaped while attempting to kill his father (he failed and his dad is still out there somewhere until Maugan brings him in if ever) and as a result he has pretty severe trust issues, leading to him joining a cult in which people swear on their souls that they are bound to deal fairly with the other people who have sworn.

    tl;dr Feels betrayed by his father, doesn't want to become the same in that he won't betray someone but he still otherwise has no respect for life as he was brought up constantly seeing it have no meaning.
    Last edited by Cloudsmeet; 2012-12-07 at 02:16 PM.
    Christmas is a busy time for everyone; expect heavily reduced posting until a few days after the new year with my apologies.

    Current characters:
    Kin Lescelyn, Evil Human Evoker and Fireball Enthusiast.
    Why did the duck with the tin lip? Because the higher they fly, the fewer!