Mayor Benton

Having little choice, but to believe the group about their exploits and believe that they had ruffled their agreement the Mayor leaves to collect the reward for the party...

Around the Village

Kurt, Miriam, and Avalon walk around, inspecting the meager defenses around the town. They'd managed to erect a few small pallisades, creating a couple of defensible positions and choke points around the center of town.

The trench had been readily abandoned and Kurt could see the Soldiers had spent more time arming and handing basic training of the townsfolk. An aging farmer now held his pitchfork as if he could defend himself with it.

The Sergeant moved around, giving orders to his men, who achnowledged the orders and continued to work with the people before they leave in th morning. It appears if they are bunking in the Town Hall.

Horses Head Inn

As Natalia and Shiny begin talking, Max pulls the Silver Raven out of a pocket, whispers a word, the Raven growing and coming alive quickly flies to Natalia. "Yeah, got your message. Damned bird sat in my bar till I took the note."

He looks around sheepishly, making sure no one was in earshot, "Yur probably wondering why I didn't tell the rest o them about Yur successes. Truth be told, they were workin harder thinking they was going to die. And it wasn't any of their damned business to know about Alabastor's cave."