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    Titan in the Playground
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    Sep 2007
    London, UK

    Default Re: You! (A picture/Media thread) Thread XXXI: Roman Numerals Make Everything Fancy

    Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
    What a pretty kitten. And pretty nifty ears on the beastie too. Just about the quintessential cat's ears, them.

    Nameless, have you gone through a growth spurt recently? I'd swear you're taller than I last remember seeing you. And looking much more distinguished, I might add.
    Maybe it's because the air hockey table I'm playing on is actually a tiny kid's one? But you're the second person that's said that to me this week. I hope I haven't though, I'm quite happy being 5'11.

    And, why thank you.

    Last edited by Nameless; 2012-12-11 at 03:32 AM.