Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
My frag. I don't even know who that character was, but I feel for their fans, because that looked about as pointless, gruesome and arbitary as they can get.

It really is just and excuse for completely gratuituos character deaths, isn't it?

Who the heck even wants to read a comic like that?

The really sad part is, I'm feeling less and less sorry that my Marvel stuff is coming to an end, given that what they're putting out is becoming unmigitated crap that makes the Stupid XTREME of the ninties look grand by comparison; at least that was so stupid it was something you could take the rip out of... Most of the modern crap stuff just feels frankly flat-out mean-spirited.

Are the DC and Marvel editorial trying to make their comics suck so bad they go out of business? Because if it's fracking off otherwise easy-to-please (I mean, I like the SW prequels, fer cryin' out loud!) people like me, they must be going the right way about it...
Hack writing more than anything else I think.

This is them literally just aping Battle Royale and Hunger Games as blatantly as possible(including variant covers), without understanding the reasoning that goes into the stories themselves. "Kids fight each other to the death" doesn't really work in universe, and it doesn't work thematically either.