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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bleach VI: We Want Our Baby Bach Ribs (Aizen pull)

    Quote Originally Posted by 9mm View Post
    spoilered due to needing the latest chapter to explain fully:


    So it's hotspring demon and unohana right after unohana objects to the moving of bakuya.

    "What you should be doing right now..."

    Translation 1: "Is leave this mess to the pros"

    Translation 2: "isn't healing."

    and the latest chapter says unohana was the first kempachi; in other words the second translation was more direct translation with massive foreshadowing while the first was a more this is what he would be saying in context. So is he saying he's just a better healer, or telling her to re-draw her sword that she obviously put away? Now I know, it was the latter.
    That's....quite awesome. I will say this, Unohana being The First Kenpachi has been VERY well foreshadowed multiple times. It's like a return of 2004 Kubo!
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2012-12-12 at 01:36 PM.