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    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Culture explores 40K II: Now With 100% more Fanfiction

    Quote Originally Posted by jseah View Post
    Didn't I do Tau already? Uh... let me check <- Watch this space for edits.


    The Ultramar region of space has some very, very interesting worlds. Talasa Prime, THE deathwatch base (which is also a major, major Ordo Xenos base) -- which should, if scanned, increase the Culture's knowledge of xenos races manyfold. It is also a likely place where you will find very Radical Inquisitors of a local equivalent of Xenos Hybris (with a different name of course; Xenos Hybris is the Calixis/Koronus version), who might also be Recongragators, due to the local situation. Macragge, where a Primarch lies, where anyone who seems to be a normal Imperial citizen can make a pilgrimage to look at him (and which might help the Culture come to the conclusion that a Stasis Field seems to stop time, in some ways... and there is a lot about biology of a primarch that someone can understand by subtly scanning and looking at a near-death Primarch in stasis). Konor, a would-be-minor research world for the Mechanicus where, no doubt, the Ordo Xenos keeps a close watch on the Imperial attempts at reverse-engineering Xenos technology recovered by the Deathwatch (so the Culture can see the patterns of how the Imperium tries to reverse engineer tech, how they go about it -- if any place is a place where that is done, it is Konor, due to what it is next to, and the fact that the Mechanicum does not have a major presence in the area and can be bossed around here).

    Also, isn't that not a Tau update, but an Ultramarines/Imperium/Inquisition update?
    Last edited by Gavinfoxx; 2012-12-13 at 01:00 AM.