Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
Yeah...no. I think the only thing I've ever tasted that was worse was either gasoline, or the awfully-flavored barium sulfate for my upper GI scans back in middle school.
My choice sources of caffeine are caffeine pills or (for more socially acceptable things) unsweetened dark black tea.
(Edit: And oddly I've yet to find caffeine addictive. Kind of weird, my family is supposed to have addictive tendencies. All I'm addicted to is chocolate ice cream and sleep. Except those don't count because they're like, basic fundamental aspects of life.)
Then wouldn't is tasting sweeter be a Yes, not a No?

Substances are odd. I'm apparently not addictive with nicotine, as am in fact borderline allergic. Unlike my brother, who picked up half a butt to scare m mom into quitting and hasn't put it down since.

Quote Originally Posted by Socratov View Post
And that's what I'm trying to tell you: men too have to get their ingredients before they can cook that meal since looking sharp is part of being that power. Not dressing sharp negates the ownership of power. And those kitchens don't fill themselves.
False equivalency those aren't even close to the same – one presupposes a job, a house, a pantry, an the comfortable situation to choose whether or not to cook something or instead have junk food. The other has no house, no food, no job, and won't suffer a slight increase in sodium if they slack off but will be one stage closer to dying.

besides, I have seen enough women who *ahem* got an edge with the way they *ahem* dress *ahem*. I mean, Women are at least thrice as competence in manipulation of people then men and the way women dress is a major factor. *ahem*

gotta lose this nasty cough ;)
That has nothing to do with women being more manipulative. it has everything to do with weak will and poor decision making on the part of those try manipulate, and that's more of that toupe fallacy tan anything; of course the woman in question will have a lot of success, she is purposefully seeking out a set of circumstances that will reward her behavior. Take li'l miss "oops, let me squeeze by real quick~" and give her my job, or a lab job, maybe. Guarantee it won't work as well.

And this example actually feeds into my point; a woman is expected (as in, it's clmmon enough for you to take it as a given and expected thing) to succeed not through her own merit at the job but by pleasing the men around her. That she's not even competing on the same axis to the point of trying to compete on that axis actually causing problems is what prompted this.

Quote Originally Posted by TechnoScrabble View Post
So I attempted explaining to my mother today that I am:

A) Asexual (I really find no joy in it)
B) Panamorous (I can love people regardless of gender alignment)
C) Not a virgin
D) Not religious

Now, my mother's a fairly (read: very) intelligent woman, if often unreasonable, stubborn, and close-minded, and etc. So I expected a somewhat even, if disappointed response.

I got:

A) "No you're not, humans have hormones, and we don't reproduce by budding."
B) "Please, you're a sociopath. You don't even love me and I gave birth to you!"
C) "Oh you are such a liar. I thought you were asexual?"
D) "Get out of my house."

So...maybe I should try again next time she's looped out on meds?

Quote Originally Posted by ScionoftheVoid View Post
True, of course.

Spoilering Scion weirdness so people don't have to scroll past it:
There's a difference between "sexually attracted to" and "willing to be sexual with". I'm asexual, but have enough trust in those I would call friends to do almost anything for them. I would, in all seriousness, attempt to kill myself if one of my friends genuinely asked me to. They never would, and in fact explicitly tell me not to, but it is within what I'm willing to do for them. Sex would really not bother me, if requested sincerely (and all appropriate precautions taken, obviously).

That might be the case, but because anyone I trust enough to call a friend I'd trust enough to be lovers with, not because I only call people friends if I would be willing to take them on as a lover. And there are people who fall under acquaintances that I'd be a partner to who I do not consider friends (though I'd probably start to think of someone as a friend if they became a lover).
*shrug* makes perfect sense to me. I also like pack set-ups wherein the "bed" consists of a dogpile of sleeping people (and a decent heater, I hate the cold!) so I suppose I'm already no longer the target demographic for "is this normal".

Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
Sociopath and psychopath don't have formal psychological definitions currently, going by the online version of the DSM-IV I've been using (though the DSM-V is basically official now it hasn't been published yet and besides it looks like poop so far). So from what I understand they're roughly equivalent semi-colloquial words that are generally used to describe various diagnoses like Antisocial Personality Disorder (in adults), Conduct Disorder (usually in children), and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (in children and sometimes adults).
Didn't know that. Hm.

Quote Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
*massages own temples*
I don't even know where to begin. That's fracked up. That's what it is. Fracked up. It's too late in the evening for me to deal with that.
Good luck.
Would you like some commiseration tea? I'm brewing a pot. I need to do something to keep my mouth occupied that also looks like I'm fretting.

Quote Originally Posted by Nate the Snake View Post
So, I haven't posted for a while, but I have a couple things to unload on a thread full of friendly people:

-I've been contemplating the pros and cons of talking to my parents about closets and the coming out thereof, so .
-Some otherwise-nice people I know have been making disparaging general comments about related topics, so more and also .

And that's not even counting Miscellaneous Life Stuff.

Coming out is, in my limited experience, harder than actually dealing with the fall-out. People being unknowingly insulting is fun, and can lead to weird situations where they try to rationalize things in such a way that doesn't challenge their world view (usually with such phrases as "come on, man..." and "but really its like [X]" an other such 'I'm okay like I am and you're a special case' nonsense) but sometimes, especially if you have a history of occasionally being. Serious and going in for honest rapport, people will be reasonable and just admit they hadn't thought it through.

I'm dealing with the same thing really, coworkers discussing the Kate's gay joke circulating Facebook and all, but I haven't done anything about it yet – I'm in no position therefor to really give you anything like advice.