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    Default Re: Questionable Content 5: Suffers Occasional Outbreaks of Butt's Disease

    Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
    One counter example while the majority of fantasy cultures out there are misogynistic.

    And haha, 'feminazis', 'power grab', that's clearly what equal treatment is about. *roll eyes*
    "Equal" treatment. Okay then.

    Why are men seen as the expendable gender when there are more females and therefore they are more expendable?

    Why is it in some states if a man calls the police cause his wife is beating him, HE gets arrested?

    Why is it it's okay for endless woman to objectify men in movies like magic mike and twilight, but it's not okay for men to do the same?

    Why is it all the complaints about "equal" pay and stuff falls apart the instant you know something about economics beyond high-school level?

    I've analysed the whole thing over and over, and that's the conclusion I've come to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anecronwashere View Post
    I can think of 1 race/setting/whatever that is matriachal. Every other is male-dominated.

    And that race is the Drow... Not exactly a good step forward
    The Hathrans, The Amazons, the Cult of Grazz't, the Swanmay, the thralls of malachant, there's another class in the BOED family I forget, and another one in faiths and pantheons.
    Last edited by Morithias; 2012-12-14 at 04:46 AM.