Quote Originally Posted by Lexin View Post
Hey! That's half the fun!

"Hey, if you ascent to godhood you need to make a party! ... Rain of beer would be a nice beginning...
Ah you might also think about cellphones and internet... I can picture these conversations."

Holding his hand to his ear and with a bit changed voice " ' Hey mom, I am in the elemental plane of earth, gold digging and fighting Dao, so I can't talk right now. Yes I will Plane Shift back for dinner!' "

back to normal "That would be pretty sweet."
Nova laughs at this. "The more you speak the more I wish to know about your world!"

Senhime looks at her and coughs. "Uh..Mistress maybe we should discuss the war and what they came here for."

Nova nods. "Right. Anyways, you came to request I give you reinforcements for Takuga correct?" She looks over the map. "The demons attack in full force when the strongest enemies appear. They don't care about the land, they just want an easy place to go for warfare. The best option for me is to grant you some of the old retired player and have them disguised as humans, then when you make the final push, have them reveal their full powers. I will need time to convince a few of them though."

Senhime looks at her. "Mistress, are you sure that is going to work?"

Nova laughs. "It can't hurt to ask, and even if none of them say yes, we can still send money and supplies. Besides it's not like any of them have anything better to do than sit around and play chess all day."