Quote Originally Posted by Necroticplague View Post
Only if the owner makes their save. If they fail, it falls into the newly-formed ocean/lake/saltlake.

Although looking at whispereeds gives me an interesting idea: what if you cut more than two from the same stalk? Do all of them share the property, making it a crude (if awesome) method to create group voice-chats in dnd?
I would allow this.

And yeah, trying to sink a structure in an ocean would count as being a hostile environmental act, so the owner gets a Will save to prevent it from happening.

Quote Originally Posted by Hanuman
Dungeonjammer is spectacular.
Thanks! I quite like it, I think it's a neat take on the stuff you can do with Yggdratecture!

Quote Originally Posted by QuidEst
Whisperreeds + crystalIn allows you to get sonic energy from multiple sources and transmit it to a single source. (You also don't get feedback problems, since half the sources are in silence.) Depending on how the DM feels Silence works, this may even create silence at each of the whisperreeds collecting input.
This is intended.

Set up your pole in a demiplane, allowing you to simply hop on over and get your free healing, etc. whenever. (Possible ruling that without the connection to the full earth, the effects are reduced.)
Again: don't really care about healing at that level. The nastiest stuff you'll meet doesn't have anything to do with hit points. If you've gone to the trouble to build a designer demiplane and kept it stocked with a magical healing pool, and carry it around with you everywhere, I think you kind of deserve to be able to heal with it!