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Thread: Is sex always fanservice?

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Is sex alway fanservice?

    Black Swan. Most -if not all - of the sex scenes are quite squicky or disturbing in hindsight, but also extremely relevant as additional windows into the protagonist's psyche.
    Well, of course, I suppose some are too turned on by the idea of
    the two main actresses making out
    to mind the implications. Squicky fanservice is always straight fanservice for someone else.

    EDIT: oh, yeah, another Katawa Shoujo (though this may be an even more subjective example that the others):
    You have the possibility, in Shizune's route, to cheat on her with Misha. Who is not actually attracted to you, but to her best friend, which causes her great anguish. She only asks to have sex with you because she's in a very dark state of mind. And you're aware of that when the option presents itself.
    IMHO, it's even less sexy than Hanako's scene. It's just depressing and messed up should you accept.
    Last edited by Mono Vertigo; 2012-12-17 at 08:18 AM.
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