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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Below sea level

    Default Re: Bleach VI: We Want Our Baby Bach Ribs (Aizen pull)

    I am abolutely stunned.


    I'll be damned if this isn't the best writing I have seen Kubo do in the complete Bleach series... It has completely reinvigorated my suspension of disbelief. I know it will be crushed like a bug later on, and I know he often writes crap, but color me impressed. this chapter is awesome!

    her transformation was obvious, but beyond that not too obvious, also the reason why stuff works or happens is quite important. It serves as a resonable explanation of why division zero exists. It's like an honorary position where people are actually immensly powerful as a result, not as a prerequisite. (allowing Yama-yii to still be the strongest shinigami ever around). And before peopel pointing out Yama-yii created a lot of stuff, maybe he didn't want to pension.

    I will hazard a guess that the next stage is metalworking (surely if this guy created zanpakuto they will get it back) and the hero reforging his/her sword is a common trope in these kinds of situations.
    Last edited by Socratov; 2012-12-18 at 09:12 AM.
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