Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post


Ember gulped being referred to as a 'morsel'. He did indeed stay close to Lochbed even at the reminder of their date at the lake and whole eating him business. Right now, here in this place, he felt she was his only way to not end up getting eaten here or "played" with by other fey.

He looked at the other fey and forced a smile on his face, it was uncomfortableness, that sort of uncomfortableness that comes when you're dealing with unpredictability. Such as the unpredictable behavior of most fey, to mortals.

"F-fun? W-what kind of fun?"
Ember was hesitant to ask.
Lochboed did not appreciate Ember asking this question. It was always bad when a mortal asked these types of questions.

Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
[Ponygashima In The Fairyland]

The dark pony laughed, causing her form to shift wildly for a few moments. "Lochbed has picked a weaker one. Can he even stand up on his own? Oh, but he has sense. Ciona meets few who don't spook, and most of those get angry, act stupid and die."

She put a hoof on Ember's shoulder, where it turned into a catlike paw. "So he is interested in the fey games? Ciona can show him so much fun! She knows so much that can be done with mortals! So much can be done without them, too, but she prefers to play with others. She likes the tricksy games and the form-changing games best."
The kelpie oddly didn't feel concerned with the Ciona's touch on her pony. It made her mouth wiggle seeing the fey interest in Ember. She felt high and giddy at the attention he received.

Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post
"Oh, you know. Eating, dancing, frolicking, rolling in flowers while singing 'Hooftip through the tulips'..." He looks around and raises an eyebrow. "Though it strikes me that I might be alone there."

Rangolan blinks briefly to hide the rolling of his eyes. "It seems like those would be terribly dull to play with mortals. I mean, they hardly notice anything unless it lands on them."
"Och mah Ember be perceptive for a mortal. E'en wit'out true sight." The beast girl put her hf on Ember's head and moved it until their eyes locked. "He be smart, swift, skilled, experienced, an' rare. A perf'ct pony. And all mine tae play wi'. Permission tae charm ye, mah lord?"