Quote Originally Posted by jseah View Post
Actually I have been saying that they DO overlap, all points in the 4dimensional hyperspace (which also includes the 3D realspace) have a corresponding point in the Warp. This was a necessary conceit because it otherwise means that the Culture flying around in hyperspace suddenly lose their biologicals' warp connection.

The idea for the hyperspace-warp hybrid drive is that they have an FTL warp jump from one hyperspace point to another hyperspace point. Tau drives are still significantly faster than light and that gets combined with the way that two points in hyperspace aren't separated by as much distance as their corresponding points in realspace.

Does anyone have some details on the old Nid FTL using the warp?
The way I understand it, the whole point of Hyperspace is that it's just another, usually untapped dimension/directional axis, one which we can't really percieve but is entirely real and present. Right?

If so, then the whole point is that the Warp exists just as much in that particular corner of real-space as any other part or region, but as the warp is not real space but instead a weird, metaphysical gumbo underpinning/coexisting alongside real space, the same is not true in reverse. Even the Classical 3 dimensions only exist in the less warpy parts of the warp or inside a geller field, after all.