Quote Originally Posted by Sunken Valley View Post
So, what can you make fun of? Mental disabilities? Hair color? Ethnicity? Country of origin? Just being less intelligent than the insulting? [/sarcasm]
Quote Originally Posted by dehro View Post
Young children (and older ones) will ALWAYS find something to mock someone else about, even more readily with an actual disability offering them an easy target. more often than not, especially at that young age, it's out of being inconsiderate, rather than actually feeling mean. No, it's not cool and yes, parents should prevent that from happening or refrain from letting it slide when they see it happen. To blame a TV show for it is just plain stupid.
It's sad, but the Doctor insulting an alien will most probably not further albeism. Also, as people said, it's an alien. It is not disabled. What you noticed is surely not a prime example of human behaviour but it's what people do. And many, many jokes are insulting in some way. And removing every line that might possibly offend someone from all media is... I'd tend to say ridiculous but it's not quite true. Anyway, it's not something the censor should have cut.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
The Year of the Slow Invasion could have been an overarching theme for the first half of the season! Have Rory or Amy or someone be playing with a black cube, or using it as a paperweight in 'Aslyum of the Daleks' when the Doctor pops in to visit/take them on a trip [...]
That's a pretty good idea. That would have worked so much better...

Name of the documentary?
I think it was this one.

I thought so! Phoebe was always attracted to demons wasn't she? I remember a Balthazar in there late on.
Balthazar was Cole's demon name Sorry if I confused you with using the other one.

Well, you can understand why his last three books aren't up to Pratchett!standard, but I still think they're better than a lot of recent fantasy books. But I'm a die hard fan here - with the exception of Equal Rites, but I've not read that book in . . . six years, so it might be worth another go.
And oh, I remember that scene in Wintersmith, I feel the same. And then that scene with the poker and the Baron in the beginning, and the description of his death, and the end bit with the fire. He might not be amazing in every book, but when he gets it right, you never forget.
Oh, I'm well aware why. It's just... I think I notice. And it makes me wonder how much is still him and how much his assistant But that's no place to discuss it, sorry.
Hm... wasn't the Baron's death in "I shall wear Midnight"? Maybe I'm misremembering. Oh, wait, Who. Right.

Just in case, spoilers for anything relating to Snowmen again.

Which is why I'm hoping when they come back there's more time to focus on them as supporting characters, but I still stand by my belief that the One Word Answer scene is one of the most compelling and powerful scenes in the entire special and displayed Mme. Vastra's intelligence and emotions very well.
While, yes, the One word scene was strong, I felt it did much more for Clara. She was the one who was much more challenged and had to come up with the answers. I'm not saying Vastra didn't do her part well but Clara was the focus, or so it seemed to me.

That was horrible but genius. Now thank you for breaking my heart and remembering 'The Reichenbach Fall'! (And he didn't want to either).
Sorry, I was aware it would be hurtful but... I felt I had to point Moffat's hobby out once more. Not that we don't know it but... sorry.
(Well, nobody does it for fun. He jumped on his own, she was literally dragged off the cloud)

Don't blush, Clara!Oswin has a very nice figure, and - okay, that is a bit sexist. If you're going to tease, fine, but if you can show a naked Matt Smith covered only by a semi-translucent shower curtain, you can do more than have a woman start to undo a button.
Well, she surely does...
Yeah, or if Benedict Cumberbatch can walk around with a sheet around his lower body and nothing else. But Sherlock is not for kids, I guess. Still, the difference between showing a man nude and a woman in our society is quite prominent.

As for Doctorshipping, feel free to join me on the Good Ship Wary.
I shall be your loyal mate. Sailor. Cook. Okay, better not cook, if you want to live.

Regarding new reviews... While I enjoy the Classic Who, can't you catch up with season 4? Or do you still lack the DVDs? Just so we don't have to worry about Donna-era spoilers. (Okay, I guess it's still quite a bit to go)