Quote Originally Posted by Lord-Cao-Cao View Post
"Y...You were? Oh...In the arcade, yeah? Haha, I was ... A little bit distracted at the time, yeah. A...Any case, um....Did you want to go check out that Ascendancy Institution place later, yeah? I mean...If you want to, that is. It just sounds so...So interesting! You'll tell me what you get up to, right?"

Ina tittered, sheepishly remembering her experience in the arcade and the time she nearly-Alright, actually did faint. That was a close call, and Ina was sure that she would have been in quite a bind if it weren't for Kasai.
Kasai smiled at Ina, nodding, and slipping an arm around her friend, pulling the other girl gently, but tightly, against her side, obviously hoping to reassure her.

"The plan was for us to go take a look, yeah. And of course I'll tell you what happens," she said quietly, reaching over to take Ina's hand with the arm not currently around her, and give it a gentle squeeze. "You're a friend, and a good one. I'm not going to leave you in the dark about something like this."