Day 4 - Naga

Meh. Decided to do a side pose for this one, since I can’t remember the last time I did. It turned out okay, I guess.

Been trying out Paint Tool SAI. It’s kinda confusing so far.

Quote Originally Posted by Bakuel View Post
You might also think about doing some basic proportion exercises. I mean just basic stick/ball/box figures for the major joints and limbs to help get the ratios right. I have a lot of trouble with this and doing exercises like this sometimes helps.
On your harpy figure to me it seems like the thigh part of the leg is far to long in proportion to the below-the-knee part of the leg and indeed, compared to the whole body. You can generally get away with the bottom part of the leg being a bit too long in abstract stylistic things like comics/cartoons/mangas but if the thigh is longer then the bottom it generally looks rather weird.
Yeah, I'll look into it.

Working on a Applejack picture.
Hehe, cute. I empathise with her. This stuff ain't easy.

Quote Originally Posted by flyingchicken View Post
I have been very unproductive recently, mainly because of video games I guess but also that voice in my head that tells me that I'll never be as good as I want to be:
I empathise with this too.

saint nick 20 minute sketch drawring thing
Might want to take that one down (no swears on the board).

some stupid thing for a stupid reply in some thread, a look into how I digital paint I guess
The end result is really good, but I can't help but laugh at stage 2. Sorry.

As usual, I must point out that figures should represent 3D objects; sure, (good) cartoons don't try to do everything to show that, but they do avoid some things that dispels the illusion quickly, like poor eye placement: with Derpy it looks like the eyes are stickers (though this might be an "optical illusion" as it were, because of the nose and the hair, that's still ultimately on you), while Sneasel's and the gambling pony's are shaped and sized in such a way that the 3D-ness of the heads are compromised.
Hm. Noted. Though with the ponies, I was on a timer. That's my excuse anyway. I don't seem to notice this stuff as I'm drawing it.

Something one'd notice with the gifts is that it's not 3D, but rather projected axonometrically; not saying that's bad, but it's something to note.
Axo-what now? *Googles* Oh. I get it. I think.