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Thread: The CHALLENGE continues!

  1. - Top - End - #862
    Ogre in the Playground
    Glass Mouse's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2007
    The Icy North

    Default Re: The CHALLENGE continues!

    So, it has come to this... status, that is!

    Glass Mouse passes with ~2,100 words of sci-fi story.

    C'nor passes with five symbols and 1,236 words of RPGing.

    HeadlessMermaid passes with nine photographs of things from old cameras to pug butts.

    The Grimmace passes with seven regular poems and two prose poems.

    Neoriceisgood goes for the moon with ~51 mange sprites.

    Icewalker should be back soon?

    Mercenary Pen didn't upload/send me anything. Still in?

    nersxe didn't upload/send me anything. Still in?

    KerfuffleMach2 passes with six drawings, from portraits to demonic toilets.

    The Fiery Tower is out due to disapperance.

    Lycunadari triple-passes with 4883 words of writings.

    Thus, Icewalker, Mercenary Pen and nersxe FAIL this round!

    Glass Mouse, C'nor, HeadlessMermaid, the Grimmace, Neoriceisgood, KerfuffleMach2 and Lycunadari PASS this round!

    Current standing:
    Glass Mouse
    Current run: 115 weeks
    Longest run: -
    Themes: -

    Current run: 9 weeks
    Longest run: 1 week
    Themes: -

    Current run: 6 weeks
    Longest run: 11 weeks
    Themes: -

    The Grimmace
    Current run: 4 weeks
    Longest run: 18 weeks
    Themes: -

    Current run: 19 weeks
    Longest run: 8 weeks
    Themes: -

    Current run: -
    Longest run: 13 weeks
    Themes: -

    Mercenary Pen
    Current run: -
    Longest run: 5 weeks
    Themes: -

    Current run: -
    Longest run: 4 weeks
    Themes: -

    Current run: 1 week
    Longest run: 1 week
    Themes: -

    Current run: 1 week
    Longest run: -
    Themes: -

    It's C'nor's turn to choose a theme

    Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
    As for the prize... How are you at power armor?
    Um. Never drawn it. Sounds like it could be fun. Not sure if my style would mesh well with it. Definitely worth a try if you think it's workable

    Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
    I am still uncertain how to do a resize in this coding format... But it should be large enough to see everything, hopefully.
    Haha, I meant make them smaller, less screen-stretching. Often I do this on my netbook which doesn't take kindly to screen-stretching shenanigans.
    Plus, few things ever need to be that size anyway

    You can download a ton of image editing programs that lets you resize a picture in three-four clicks (heck, even Paint has it). Not sure if you can do it directly on this forum.
    Last edited by Glass Mouse; 2013-01-07 at 06:49 PM.

    Challenge badge
    , courtesy of HeadlessMermaid.

    Avatar courtesy of the talented Neoriceisgood. Features Pumpkin from my webcomic.