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    Firbolg in the Playground
    noparlpf's Avatar

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    Mar 2011

    Default Re: You! (A picture/Media thread) Thread XXXI: Roman Numerals Make Everything Fancy

    Quote Originally Posted by absolmorph View Post
    That sounds pretty fun.
    I actually only really got tears when I cut it from really long (butt length) to sort of long (shoulder length). When I cut it again to actually short a year later everybody was just too shocked to react, except one friend who screamed and ran out of the building.

    Edit: Dressing in uncharacteristic clothing (and switching glasses for contacts or vice versa if one is your normal look) and pretending to be somebody else is a good idea. You definitely have to follow through on that.
    Last edited by noparlpf; 2013-01-12 at 01:42 AM.
    Jude P.