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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: afroakuma's Planar Questions Thread! (You ask, I'll answer)

    and four more from the inherent bonuses his father forced upon him
    Why would his father need to force Golobile to accept the inherent bonuses?

    Exemplars shouldn't be capable of having children with one another, as a general rule
    Oh, there are a couple, but most of their children who are currently alive are full fiends.

    MORE QUESTIONS (I love this thread):

    Are Fierna and Belial actually in a sexual relationship or is that just rumor?

    What can you tell us about chole dragons?

    Why don't exemplars take PC classes instead of relying only on their innate abilities? I can see powerfull exemplars like pit fiends and balors not seeing the need but what about exemplars like dretches?

    What can you tell us about the Demon Lords Dwiergus and Lamashtu besides their titles, concerns, and layers?
    Last edited by 123456789blaaa; 2013-01-15 at 06:42 PM.