Unspeakable Heresy

"You're assuming that I was in a better position before. That I had the power and ability to seek out what I wanted. I wasn't." Jezebel tells the psychic. "To do so would have been utter suicide for no reason. But now that I have a reason to be here, and power enough to back myself up, then consider conflict to be a little side interest. I don't wish it, and would much rather have peace, but unless I get the word from you, I have to consider us at arms with each other, don't I?" She asks rhetorically. "As far as losing everything goes, do you think that hasn't happened to me before? I've been low enough that I had to sell myself on the streets just to get a bit of table scraps. What you think of as "humiliation", is nothing more than a mild irritation to your pride."

"Your own question goes both ways as well. Are you willing to risk everything for the sake of your own pride? Because I am." She asks with a vicious grin.