Good chapter. Me likey.

Now that all of Doflamingo's henchmen have been beaten, they're able to all take the Warlord together, and considering how powerful his right-hand-man was, that may well be neccessary.

Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
Yay new chapter at last. And a good one too, always nice to be shown how much those outside of the Monster Trio kick arse too.

I think the shadowed figure has to be someone we know, otherwise why bother? Could be wrong though.

And it doesn't look like Mihawk's boat, even with the T shape.

And would Mihawk talk? Aokiji seems to make sense, my other thought is Garp for some reason.
I get where Garp comes from, he's also known for his heavy sleeping issues, but in his case it's more sudden sleeping than oversleeping. The latter is definitely Aokijis trademark. Though Aokiji on a boat would be a change as well, his usual trademark is a bicicle, and I guess if he were to sleep on the ocean he'd probably make himsef an instant ice raft.