Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
Okay good to know I'm not totally off base, yeah its just idle speculation and all.

Now Aokiji does have a good reason to have given up bike riding... it would seem somehow very like "japanese" (because I can't think of a better word) for him to comment that loosing his leg means he can't ride a bike while promptly displaying no other weakness in combat or otherwise.

Well here's our Wano country looking person. My thought is that being almost literally on the opposite side of the world would make the trip kinda impressive. Its easy to forget that in-universe its only been no more then a day or two since the Strawhats left Seabody.

Really no way to know though. This is all pretty idle speculation, I just hope Oda doesn't keep us waiting long.
Concerning Aokiji, perhaps he can't ride his bike since his lost leg, now replaced with an ice leg (probably) interfers with the ice of his bike?

And right, good point. But keep in mind that Doflamingo is puppeting himself across the ocean, and will likely arrive quite shortly I imagine. People ARE capable of thus high speeds.