Yesterday I was yelled at by my semi-friend(I say semi because she owns the card shop I go to and she's a generally nice person) because of drama that had been happening. She chewed me out majorly because this one awesome friend of mine had been getting a bit cocky over his success in card one of my other friends called him out on it. Basically, the kid is now taking a break from Magic. So last night at my Friday Night Magic, I said: Yeah, it's too bad Mitch isn't here, he-" and was cut off by the owner who proceeded to yell at me saying that "drama killed Pokemon. Drama's killing Kaijudo, and now drama's creeping into my magic. I'm sick of this f*****g drama. It's killing my business!"
I was going to continue my own sentence with: he said he could get me the stuff I needed for my deck, but I guess that doesn't matter...
Previously on Wedsnday, I had dropped out of a Kaijudo Tournament because of the player named Andrew...we used to be friends, now we're not. That's a different story. Anyways, he was talking bad about one of my friends and made me quite angry, so I dropped from the tournament and left.
And now I'm sitting here, thinking I need a break from card games because I'm the one causing all this drama.