Quote Originally Posted by flyingchicken View Post
Than I think you should work conscious of your speed. With some work I honestly think you could do better in 3-5 minutes in the future than with 30 now.
I don't know about being always conscious of the time, but I do agree that you could probably be a lot faster. I don't know if you're doing a lot of pre-work that isn't in the final image, but I would place practising to get more time efficient as one of your priorities perhaps. I'd have to say, I'm very surprised at what I can get done in 40 minutes or so sometimes, and that was just from practice.


Anyways, after getting home I always seemed to be short on time and/or motivation for the first few days. Thus the first half of this is all crap, and not really worth looking at. I am getting back into the swing of things a little though, which is good.
The scanner also doesn't seem to be attached to anything, and I can't find the cable anywhere, so I'm still taking photos with my phone. It does make the photos easier to upload, but quality suffers as you all know.


Day 198:

I spent most of the day in moving vehicles and only got out my sketchbook after I arrived at home, having been up for over 24 hours at this point. Thanks to the magic of international travel however, I had a wonderful 32 hour day to work with, so the challenge was not failed. Nonetheless its only a barely visible quick sketch of a Mountie with a flag riding a bear. I felt I needed to post it anyways despite the fact you can't see anything.

Day 199:

A baby husky, lying on a pillow.

Day 200:

Worthless doodles, maybe like 5 minutes worth.

Day 201:

A simple sailboat outline.

Day 202:

The Rainbow Factory. My first time actually spending some time drawing since my return.

Day 203:

The Travelocity gnome. Since he seems like a swell guy.

Days 204, 205, 206:

Gestures, gestures, gestures.

Day 207:

Abraham Lincoln.

Day 208:

And today, a bulette from D&D.

That feels better now that I've stopped being lazy and actually posted everything.

Now on to the second topic: tablets. I got reminded about them the other day when I found my work has a massive Wacom one (with a built in monitor and everything, I'm envious) for CAD work, and that I was going to look into acquiring one myself when I got back. So, any advice, suggestions, recommendations etc.? Or just a good place to start my research.