Quote Originally Posted by Morbis Meh View Post
Good morning all of you wonderful people! I feel that I need a new avatar since it's been a couple of years since I have had this one. I want something a little more adventurous than the last one and I will provide a reference picture with the description for one of my past characters and just a description of another (you know to provide a choice).

First Character:

Race: Halfling
Sex: Female
Occupation: Steam punk gunjitsu Ninja
Features: She dual wields revolvers, so if any steam punk lovers want to take a crack at making some niftly looking guns please feel free to do so. Unlike the photo the character doesn't have an owl so ignore that, the photo is just to give an idea of what her outfit looks like (the character also has a monocle so include that as well please).

Pose: I like how dead pool usually poses so I shall put a picture of him for reference.

Second character:
Race: Grey Elf
Sex: Male
Looks: Long black hair gray eyes, two goat horns jutting outside of his head and goat hooves instead of feat.
Profession: Emperor/Red Wizard of Thay/Anima Mage who prefers binding Amon hence the horns.
Features: He has an entropic scythe for his weapon (got it from an entropic reaper! SO basically it's like a lightsaber scythe). He also has a white dragon mount, he rescued it and aged it thus it allowed him to ride it into battle.

Picture for scythe:

Something like this just make the blade more energy esque like a lightsaber, probably red in colour

Pose: I want him to be standing holding his scythe in one hand with an orb of force in the other. He would have an evil grin, wear a crown to signify his position and have tattoos on his face to signify him as a red wizard (well along with the red robes of course). His white dragon mount would be behind him but if you cannot fit it into the picture do not worry about it.
Thank you all, I hope someone will make one of these characters for me!
Repost second time is a charm? If no bites I shall go on me own witch hunt!