There still seemed to be a difference in opinion of what the group considered important. However, as always, Selena had sparked them to take action ... and sometimes just moving was better than simply standing around overthinking the situation.

Of course, the humans had once again summed this situation up into two choices, when there was always a third option. Caladeran grunted, "It seems we have a task ..." and followed Selena out of the church. Let Aquarius worry about Maria and let Jaret either follow or stay - neither was of particular concern to the elf.

Catching up to Selena, he leaned close. "A short-sighted man comes to a fork in the road and sees only two paths, when there are actually three. But if our path is chosen, then I shall follow you upon it."

In the words of the Whopper, it may be that 'the only winning move is not to play.' While it might completely throw al'Lan's plans out the window, we could leave town and set up in a different city.