Tobio was indeed uncomfortable, if you listened hard enough you could actually hear his knees knocking. Masami was the kind of girl Tobio would dream of (Usually with a much softer personality), but in real life be absolutely terrified of. Not to mention that the slight glare in her gaze upon hearing Sojiro's words felt like the chill of the arctics.

So somehow paling and managing to blush at the same time Tobio was quite content to let the other two people do the talking lest he start babbling incoherently. When she lunged forward towards him not even having the reflexes of spider-man would have saved him as she started rooting through his memories. It wasn't hard to find them as they still stood out particularly strongly in Tobio's mind. From the encounter with the strange dog-like creatures, to the appearance of the man, and his eventual death. All were laid bare.

When she finished Tobio would be left sweating and panting horribly. It was not fun when he had to relive it in his nightmares and it was not fun having to relive it now.
__________________________________________________ ___________

Crocell gave a wave to the retreating figures Shiho, Kin, Krystal, and Shougo before heading home himself. He let out a sigh at how exhausting today was despite the fact that they had not trained at all. Looking back he realized that he should have held his temper better back at the arcade. Now Kin seemed to be fully convinced that the entirety of the thing was her fault. These thoughts plagued him until he reached his dorm room and fell into bed to be embraced by the comfort of sleep.