Quote Originally Posted by Mystic Muse View Post
"Hi Spark. Thanks." She says. "How are you doing?" She asks.
"I'm doing quite good, thank you asking sw----" Right, he remembered how stoic his 'fillyfriend' acted in public. Right, keep it casual. "Sw----Moothie. How about you?" He asked with an earnest smile as his tail flicked happily.

As for Tart, from this colt she would find herself getting lots of crushing on her vibes.

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
After a few minutes of awkward lump-hugs, the bulge snaked its way to the edge of the sheets to reveal the colt underneath. He screwed his puffy, red eyes tightly closed as he all but dove into Miss Gwyn's forelegs, burying his teary face into her coat. "W-why...momma...no, I...I want my momma..." Garion sobbed, clinging tightly to his caretaker as a fresh wave of tears overtook him.

"Sssh...its alright....I'm sorry Garion..please....don't cry.."
She kept her forelegs around him and held him tight. She, however, did not really want to quite tell him that his birth momma more than likely died over a thousand years ago.

She continued to comfort and nuzzle the poor tearful colt.