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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: [Rail IC] Academy City III: Abusive Physics Never End!

    Shougo awoke in the small hours of the morning, reaching for ... Something (or someone?) who wasn't there in his futon, and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He forced aside a very uncharacteristic pang of loneliness that nearly brought a surge of tears to his eyes. What was that? Or rather, who was that? For as long as he could remember, and indeed even now, he knew that his life before his father had been cold and lonely, and that he did not have many friends in school. And yet-And yet, he always had this feeling that somebody was with him, even in his darkest hours; no, especially in his darkest hours.

    He pulled himself out of bed with the intent of getting a glass of water. Who was that girl? Why did she seem so familiar? Who had he shared the spot on the roof with, besides Tobio? Could it be that ... He shook his head. He did not know that girl, even if -

    Even if she shared the same eyes, the same face, the same everything. Could it really be her?

    Pouring himself a glass of water at the kitchen sink, Shougo drank slowly, working up the will to find out later that day. Could he do it? Would it even be appropriate? He bit his lower lip. His desire to keep propriety was evenly matched with his desire to find out just who that girl was. Tobio said that he was quite close to her, before; maybe he could try introducing him to her (again)? Butterflies danced across his the surface of his stomach, and he could tell the voice in his head liked that idea very much.

    He had to know.

    Putting away his glass, Shougo moved to get back into bed, having forgotten all about the System Scan and the Ascendancy Institution. No, the main priority on his mind was that girl, that one, green-eyed girl...

    __________________________________________________ ___________________________


    Masami stood, fixing her spectacles once again. Her previously hard expression had softened into one quite lost in thought; this did not appear to be a fabricated memory, and Tobio had stayed relatively level-headed throughout the entire encounter. This definitely warranted investigation-The presence of a twisted would-be murderer like the one Tobio encountered would not stand on her watch. She would most certainly inform her peers and superiors about this one as soon as possible. But first...

    "Reijo. Asakura. You are dismissed. Ishida, you stay."

    She waved the aforementioned two in a manner that would have brooked no defiance and the two, for reasons of their own, left, leaving just Tobio and Masami in the room.

    "Sorry you had to go through that, rookie. Now, I'm going to inconvenience you a little more."

    She moved before her desk, pulling open a cabinet and filing through its' contents. A moment later, the image of a form appeared in Tobios' mind and an instant later, it appeared in his hands with a 'voop'.

    "Fill these out. Oh...And if you have any other problems, like nightmares, come see me. I will set up an appointment with a psychiatrist for you. That's what they're there for, after all."

    The form Tobio received, coincidentally, appeared to be a simple form requesting him to write down the nature of his recent incident with any other relevant details.

    __________________________________________________ _______________

    "Whoooooah! That looks ... Not that scary, actually."

    Ina then nearly sneezed, a strong wind picking up from the east. It was getting a little cold-It was past midnight, after all, and likely way past their bedtimes. Not that Ina cared about such things in the slightest. Still, the trip across District Six was surprisingly safe; not once had they even seen someone who appeared to be both seedy and looking for trouble.

    "I wonder what's inside, yeah? It looks really, really new...Huh. Wonder who that guy over there is, yeah. Maybe he's got the same idea as us? Hey, mister!"

    Ina called out to him right away, ignoring the entire purpose of this exercise; to remain hidden. She certainly wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer when the urge to adventure kicked in.
    Last edited by Lord-Cao-Cao; 2013-01-31 at 02:44 AM.