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Thread: The legend of Korra

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The legend of Korra

    Quote Originally Posted by Scowling Dragon View Post
    So yeah. The sport is just dodgeball then. What a waste of the bending concept.

    Your not even allowed to target a single person with multiple bending types at the same time then.
    I have to question whether you actually paid attention to the pro-bending matches, or were too busy getting righteously indignant because the creators didn't do things the way you wanted?

    A single attack can only be composed of a single element type. There's nothing illegal about two different players attacking the same player simultaneously - hiding an earth attack behind a water attack is perfectly legitimate and was seen in an earlier match.

    As for a 'waste of a bending concept', why don't you go back and watch the original series since pro-bending apparently irks you so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fragenstein View Post
    I'm sure the intention was to show how bending itself has become common to the point of sports entertainment, and give the bad guys a target for later on, but really... I always faded out when it came to the matches because I just didn't care that much.
    I understood pro-bending to have two reasons; the first was as you stated (bending becoming so common to the point of it being a sport), and the second was a way to have Korra being able to practice in a competive environment.
    Aang and the others had an actual war with enemy soldiers to fight and 'practice' with - Korra doesn't and since going round like a vigilante didn't work too well (as seen in the second episode), she needs something almost as high stakes but socially acceptable in a society not in open war.
    Last edited by Brother Oni; 2013-01-31 at 07:31 AM.