Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Canterlot Estate

"Very well my dear, if you need me, I'm going to be in the library, me and the girls are going to watch a movie, they've been begging for some quality time together,"
He playfully rolled his eyes and smirked. Hay Bale would easily remember the theatre room located in the library from the tour Astrid gave her.
And I've got a date with a guardspony. She said cheerfully, referring to the guard she'd defeated by making out. Dang, but that colt can kiss.

Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
Icy raised a hoof at the disappearing form of Fox, then sighed wistfully, a smile quirking the sides of her lips. "Knave," she muttered under her breath. Given that Lone Star was presumably asleep, she decided to browse the room service menu instead for their breakfast. After all, they were supposed to play the part as a rich couple.
He was trying to sleep, alright: trying being the key word.