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Thread: IC Knee Deep III

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: IC Knee Deep III

    Natalia closes her eyes and smiles as Miriam's cool touch closes up her wound and fills in much of the missing muscle, though a pink crater of a scar still remains...hopefully only as long as it takes for further healing.

    Natalia turns to Mithril and says, "Thank you...magic saved me, saved us...So did Honey..." She shakes her head. "Something happened, with the dagger. Burning and numb, killed the wolf, tried to kill my arm. Like Kurt's axe from the orc, almost." She clutches her hair. "Can't say it, can't make words right! But...but can think it, know it..."

    If Mithril casts Detect Thoughts on Natalia, she can tell and show her exactly what happened.

    I'll repost this there!
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2013-02-09 at 10:25 PM.