I wouldn't worry about it. If a mod sees all this jabber about the new thread awaiting mod approval ;) Then they will probably close this one and approve the new one.

Simple as that!

Now then, it's time for a random totally useless fact of the day, because if I say it here I might remember it...

There are two rules of thumb for biasing a transistor, at least according to my electronic circuits class:

The first one is that if you have a transistor with 2 resistors parallel to the base, then I_R1=10*I_B.

The second is that V_BB should be set to 2V or higher, because if it is you can exploit several wonderful little tricks. For example, the voltage at the emitter will almost certainly be 1.3V, and then the current in the collector will be equal to the current in the emitter, and you can ignore the current in the base when calculating the size of the emitter resistor.


I never thought of a more absurd place to post this :)

Coffee, perhaps you should make a subversion of your comic with all the speech bubbles as orgo or whatever formulas. ahhaha.