Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
(Well, perhaps Bleach should be split into three parts: the stuff up until Aizen went to Hueco Mundo, the stuff from the timeskip onwards, and the stuff in between, which is generally the worst in writing (Fullbring arc exluded, so maybe that one should fit into the middle bit actually), even though it introduces some of the coolest characters in Bleach.)
I consider Fullbring arc definitely deserves it's own part. As in, it doesn't deserve to be in same part as anything else.

I liked the Hueco Mundo part

Quote Originally Posted by Somewhere
The current situation is set up as a 2 go in, 1 comes out scenario, particularly featuring two of the strongest combatants the Gotei 13 have available.
It's entirely possible that it's a facade and that both will survive, but at face value one must die. What was Kyoraku thinking to gain from this plan?
Yes, nothing like culling your own numbers after military defeat. No, I don't see any Kenpachi dying.
