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Thread: Zodiac-based perks

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Prime Material Plane

    Default Re: Zodiac-based perks

    This is an interesting idea but the signs aren't balanced.

    Falcon is absurd, you get a replenishing pool of 20 GP (unless I'm reading something wrong). It can give you infinite wealth:
    1)Spend all your money on useful things
    2)Falcon gives you 20 Gp
    3)Buy crap with 20 Gp
    4)Falcon gives you 20 Gp
    5)Buy crap with 20 Gp
    6)Falcon gives you 20 Gp
    7)Repeat steps 2-7 until you have hundreds of thousands of Gp worth of crap
    8)Sell crap

    Ship is pointless because you'll probably be traveling with a group, one person moving twice as fast won't help much.

    Scythe seems rather pointless and almost completely negative.

    Ram is too vague.

    Knight doesn't seem useful, aid another rarely come up (in my experience).

    Mask is weird, charisma skill checks are useless for most characters and having a -1 audited basically nullifies the benefit of taking 20.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seer_of_Heart View Post
    My opinions going down the list

    Hourglass-GOLD, I don't need to say anything
    Dragon-Silver, very useful but be careful
    Mask-bronze, even if you get a 20 on diplomacy they still won't be fanatic
    Hammer-bronze, seems pretty useless
    Great Oak-bronze, not very useful
    Falcon-Silver, pretty useful at low levels and about the charisma checks eh have someone else be the face
    Archway-Gold if you're a spellcaster who doesn't need to worry about rolls
    Scythe-silver, pretty useful occasionally and fun(I see ways to abuse this)
    Knight-Silver, if you build a character around this its excellent
    Ship-bronze, only useful at low levels or at a time constraint that teleport doesn't work on
    Void-NOPEpermanent stat loss is not worth it unless its to your dump stat(s)
    Ram-silver, don't be a face
    You're right that some of these could be useful if you base your build around them, that's not what happens. They are randomly assigned at some point in character creation or low-mid levels.
    Last edited by GnomeGninjas; 2013-02-19 at 11:06 AM.