Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
That no one argues that Batman didn't train **** just because we never saw Batman teach him to throw a Robirang. Which is the equivalent of what you're trying to do - saying that because we never SEE the training, there IS no training.
No, it's not. What I'm arguing is that if they want to show the characters training the next generation, as Connington suggested, they need to actually do that. Not just show the next generation working alongside them, which is what they've done.

Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
Moreover, the other reasons are not taken away - showing the complexity of the DC universe, taking their place among other heroes, growing up, etc etc.
Neither of the latter is affected by the presence of the myriad new characters - quite the contrary, showing them taking their place among the others and growing up would ironically be best served by having some of them join the Justice League, as Zatanna and Rocket did, but doing this has the rather problematic side-effect of removing them as main characters of the show, since the focus is on the young team, not the Justice League.

Showing the complexity of the DC universe I suppose counts, but you can't say that wouldn't be there with fewer new characters. The supporting cast has always been quite large, and would still have gotten larger in season 2 even without the new Robin, Wonder Girl, and so forth. That's also a very vague goal, and one without much impact on the story, so it's not one I'm inclined to consider important.