Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
Arthur frowns. He doesn't much like being told off and was expecting some agreement from Marchande. In reply he says "Well, you can use an empty room, that's no problem. Don't have any canvas though, this is a nightclub and nobody here paints. Might be some printer paper or something you can use.

As for glamour: that ain't free."
Marchande, for her part, plays her role well. She sees his disappointment and gives a pleased professional smile and a nod when he says that they can use an empty room, and she takes his lack of canvas in good grace. Charlotte can just use a wall, and they'll face the consequences later.

Even when he states, brusquely, that the glamour won't be free, she doesn't get angry. She simply nods, as if she'd expected that. "As a recent arrival in San Francisco, I cannot promise much in the way of material goods, but I would be happy to use some small measure of gifted glamour to grant propitious fortune to any endeavor you may have in mind, if that is what you mean. Similarly, I would owe you a favor - appropriate to the situation, of course - if you would rather have service from a Marchande who is more solidly entrenched in her life and strength. Either way, I am sure that we can come to an arrangement that is beneficial to all parties." And by all parties, she mostly means herself. She's fairly confident that she can talk her way around him and leave him feeling like he just squeezed an awesome deal out of a bodacious broad.