Quote Originally Posted by The Succubus View Post
According to Prose Edda, Thor has indulged in a little cross dressing at Loki's insistence, if that helps.

Hmmm, if I can chip in a few theories here:

* You've done a fair amount of acting in the past and as a result have good control over expression and body language.

* You have a slim build, which helps as well.

* The glasses and long luxurious hair thing as a combo lots of people find really cute in a girl.

* You also seem to have an unnaturally good eye for picking out outfits that work well with your bodyshape - possibly another side benefit from acting?
I've not done that much acting. I've been in a couple of AmDram productions, is all, and one of those I was chorus. Other than that, I haven't acted since GCSE Drama.