Actually, I think Dehro hit the nail on the head in many respects.

I want to put it in other terms: You are, when it comes to romance, inexperienced. You don't say anything about previous relationships, but I'm gonna assume that they were few and not very serious (please feel free to correct me, I don't know anything).

If that is right, you are trying to enter a relationship at (in video games terms) high difficulty.

While age differences can work, and work very well, they are a huge challenge. You need to be secure in yourself, your boundaries, your wants and emotions, etc. to handle the outside pressure, the different life situations, all that jazz.
No relationship is easy, but factors like age difference, long distances, etc. make everything much harder.

If (again, if) you are as inexperienced as it sounds, you don't have the perspective to weigh these issues and make an informed decision. I'm not saying it won't work out, but you are playing your first try on the highest setting here.

I personally think you should let it drop and go get a little more XP under your belt before trying something like a may-november relationship, but I realize you probably won't do that.
So... Be careful, take care of yourself, and probably talk it through with more experienced (preferably older) people who know you and can give you a little more of that perspective.

And good luck