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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitP #31: Cuddles Are On Back Order. Have Some Snuggles!

    Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
    *skimming Wiki*
    People have also looked at things like the Israeli kibbutzim for the Westermarck effect, though. I know I've heard of that before. So having the children be siblings isn't necessarily necessary, just raising them together from early childhood.
    Yeah I've read about this too. A related thingy is that while people that are raised together aren't attracted to each other, siblings (and parents/children) that have no contact until adulthood are more likely to be attracted to each other than not.
    Last edited by pffh; 2013-03-05 at 05:24 PM.
    "Elephant trunks should be used for elephant things only. Nothing else."

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