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    Lake Wobegon

    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery IX: the thread levels up again!

    I've been clearing out my computer and I came across the document I used way back when to try and track Roy's XP since his death. I hadn't updated it since strip 808, and thought I'd dust it off. Here's what I found:

    {table=head]Strip|Encounter Description|Individual CRs and ECLs of Combatants|Roy's Starting XP|Roy's Ending XP
    683|6 advanced (11 HD) Giant Stag Beetles, 26 thri-kreen, & Buggy Lou vs. Haley, Belkar, Elan, Vaarsuvius, Durkon, & Roy|6 CR 5 creatures + 26 CR 1 creatures + 1 CR 2 creature vs. 1 ECL 15 character + 3 ECL 14 characters + 1 ECL 13 character + 1 ECL 12 character|72,000|72,300
    688|1 Purple Worm vs. Haley, Belkar, Elan, Vaarsuvius, Durkon, & Roy|1 CR 12 creature vs. 1 ECL 15 character + 3 ECL 14 characters + 1 ECL 13 character + 1 ECL 12 character|72,300|72,900
    695|1 shadow evocation trap vs. Haley, Elan, Vaarsuvius, & Roy|1 CR 9 trap vs. 1 ECL 15 character + 2 ECL 14 characters + 1 ECL 12 character|72,900|73,200
    808|Thog vs. Roy|1 CR 11 creature vs. 1 ECL 12 character|73,200|75,600
    862|Tarquin, Nale, Zz'dtri, Sabine, Kilkil, & 5 mummies vs. Belkar, Haley, Durkon, Elan, & Roy|1 CR 16 creature + 2 CR 15 creatures + 1 CR 10 creature + 6 CR 5 creatures vs. 2 ECL 15 characters + 2 ECL 14 characters + 1 ECL 12 character|75,600|83,520[/table]

    A character needs 78,000 XP to level from 12 to 13. By fights alone (that is, discounting roleplaying and other ad-hoc XP adjustments which would only increase his total), and assigning the various Linear Guilders the lowest CRs this thread permits (again, any adjustment would only increase Roy's XP), Roy has more than enough XP to level to 13. Leveling in OOTS does not take place without a rest, so I do not believe Roy should be listed as level 13 until he takes one. But once he does, I believe we will have grounds to list him as level 13.
    Last edited by zimmerwald1915; 2013-03-06 at 11:58 AM.