I was playing as an Elf Cleric of Desna for my friend's campaign. We (the PCs) started out in Golarion, but got forced into a portal to a world based off of Disgaea.
I didn't much like this Disgaea idea and got really bored with the campaign real fast. So I decided to cause some trouble. Went into a nearby shop, took a sword off a wall, and walked out. The GM sent the shopkeeper after me, viciously attacking me in the street. I almost got K.O.ed, but a huge brawl erupted in the street. The shopkeeper got ganged, and I escaped and hid in a barrel.
Little did I know that a fellow PC was making sweet sweet love to an NPC barmaid upstairs. He decided to dump his "sex sweat" down on me. This pissed me off so I climbed up there and pissed through the window. The naked barmaid punched me right in the crotch with a nat 20 I think and I fell all the way down into the alleyway. Then I threw a thunderstone up there, but I didn't throw it high enough and it bounced off the wall and came back down, deafening me and another PC who had showed up.
I was surprised and actually quite happy that my character survived all that crap