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    Ogre in the Playground
    Thajocoth's Avatar

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    Mar 2009
    Austin TX

    Default Re: E-mailing information to players does not work

    I wouldn't remember them either...

    But I would create a cheat sheet with the few important details of what was in that e-mail. If it's that long, then a lot of it is likely obvious or fluff. The important parts I'll actually need should fit in list form on an index card.

    In one campaign I played in, the party's psion would routinely take out an index card that listed everyone we knew & how we knew them, referring to the card as his character's memory.

    I, personally, don't want to memorize things to play. I want to just play. There's a reason I've been leaning towards barbarians... Planning? Tactics? Nope... HULK SMASH! (or intimidate). I also do not like playing anything normal. I refuse to play humans entirely, and don't like dwarves, elves, etc... Even an orc or a minotaur are a bit too normal. Maybe an intelligent humanoid ooze creature or at least a naga or something... I'm still waiting to play my 4e character I made, Grizz, the Bugbear Barbearian. His backstory has plenty of people a DM could use if they wanted to, but they all fit on an index card I can keep with me (and most of their names mean "bear" in various languages).

    Short version: Keep in mind who your players are. Some people want a heavy roleplaying memorize everything type of game. Some want a break from thinking.
    Last edited by Thajocoth; 2013-03-07 at 01:23 PM.
    Avatar by me. It's Incendius Darkscale, a Good Dragonborn Dragon Sorcerer, Demonskin Adept, Prince of Hell, worshiper of the Platinum Dragon (Bahamut), specializing in Fire and Lightning, wielding a staff in each hand.