Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
Unfortunately it was also not as good, and suffered a bit too much (in my opinion) from trying too hard to be dark and also a little from sometimes trying too much to imitate its parent show. Oh, and as others have brought up, there did seem at times to be too much "Everyone is queer and they all want each other."
Did have some good bits in there, though. Actually, I might rewatch series 2 at some point...
They were at their best when they had some interesting concept and expanded upon it logically to explore its consequences in the real world.
The Children of Earth has a brilliant scene where they discuss, in simple pragmatic terms, how to go about sacrificing 10% of the world`s children to alien invaders It was reminiscent of the movie Conspiracy about the holocaust planning. The idea of, what if someone is not there to conveniently save us from the evil invaders was thoroughly considered

Similarly, Miracle Day was Death Takes a Holiday without a specific moral message, rather the impracticality of eternal life without invulernability. The concept was horrific in its inevitable implications.

This is what should have made it dark, taking the absurd situations of a Doctor Who and treating it as if it could actually happen. The sexual situations and melodrama made it seem... smaller, like it did not feel confident enough in moving you or making you think with innovative narratives, it has to arouse you and have people shouting each other all the bloody time too.

As to Doctor Who, I would follow Steven Moffat to hell and back at this point - so long as the show remains in or around his writing talents I do not care which direction it takes.