Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
You...didn't address my points at all. You quite literally just went "nuh uh" and then typed a bunch of information completely irrelevant to the point I was making. No one is saying that the afterlife needs to be paradise...just that maybe those in charge could be a tiny bit less evil? Of course that would require them to act in regards to something besides their own self interest...which only a tiny portion so far have shown the capability of doing.
Selfish=/=Evil. Of the Captains you could probably make a convincing argument that one of them is evil and that's Mayuri. The Commander Captain may not have been a nice fellow but without Aizen's troll magic going on he generally acts in the best interest of his people and even Ichigo. Not having the same desires as the main character also doesn't make you evil. He was correct in saying not to go after Orohime after all, it was one big trap. Some of the other Captains are a little cold but when you're a trained killer it does happen. You kinda need to be.