Quote Originally Posted by Karoht View Post
Indeed. The planet Zerus was most excellent.

Funny thing happened on the mission where you get Swarm Hosts.
There was a ramp that was blocked by stones, and I thought to myself, that spot is going to get attacked later. So I built that area up a bit, and sure enough it got attacked.
So the Locusts from the Swarm Hosts say "hey we want to kill those dudes behind the rocks!" And they proceed to go the long way around, assist in killing the guys at the right hand side entrance, followed by attacking the other group from the rear.

Also, I am totally a fan of near instant Overlords.
Swarm Hosts OP. Once you get their evolution + pick the upgrade that lets locusts shoot up, you literally need no other unit. Maybe kerrigan to tank a for a few seconds. And queens/creep tumors.

Quote Originally Posted by Komatik View Post
Terran looks OP because people don't really know optimal defenses to pushes. It's like in Magic, when in an unknown meta aggressive decks dominate, and control emerges later. You can't control the unknown properly. Quick aggression eliminates the unknown.

The second reason is that Blizzard doesn't have a goddamn clue.
Word of God dude- Terran OP cause David Kim gave them too much.